For example, if you want 50 simoleons, you’d type in Money 50 after enabling cheats. sims.modify_funds : Adds or subtracts the given amount of Simoleons from the active household’s funds.Īlternatively, you can type in Money # to instantly gain a specified amount of money.Money : Sets the active household’s funds to the given amount.Type the following codes in the cheat console to earn instant money: Fortunately, there are a few different cheat codes you can use to make sure you never run out of cash. You can’t go wrong with instantaneously acquiring money in The Sims 4. What is the money cheat in Sims 4? Image used with permission by copyright holder You’ll receive a notification when you’ve typed in the code correctly, and it’ll tell you which code you’ve enabled. Note that enabling cheats on a console will negate the ability to earn most trophies and achievements, so use them wisely.Ĭheats are used by typing in specific codes into the same cheat console.

Type in testingcheats on to gain the ability to type in cheats. After you press them all at the same time, the cheat console will appear and you’ll follow the same steps as above to enable cheats. On PS4 or Ps5, it’s L1, R1, L2, R2, and on Xbox One or Xbox Series X, it’s LB, RB, LT, RT. To reach the cheat console on PS4 and Xbox One, you’ll need to press all shoulder and trigger buttons simultaneously. To disable cheats, type in testingcheats off in the same box. You’ll need to type them in exactly as written to get them to work. Once here, you’ll need to type in testingcheats on in the cheat console. On PC, you’ll need to hold Ctrl + Shift + C ( Command + Shift + C on Mac) to open up the cheat console.

And for free, at that.All upcoming PS5 games: 2023, 2024, and beyondīest gaming console deals: cheapest prices on PS5, Xbox S and X and Switch However, the expansion packs still don't encompass everything that mods can do in a game. This is something players have been wanting for a while now that modders have done a great job at providing. Most of all, though, it focuses a lot on children and family. With the release of the Growing Together Expansion Pack, there's more depth to Sims' likes and dislikes, as well as new social and situation events. Updated March 30, 2023, by Jouanna Bondakji: The Sims 4 is still having different packs made that add depth and realism to your experience, though many players argue that a lot of the things in them should've already been in the base game. Some of these are just for cosmetic purposes, some add silly fun, and some make your game even more realistic. Luckily, the Sims community is full of talented people who create custom hairstyles, clothing, furniture, and even gameplay tweaks.

Related: The Sims 4 Mods You Didn't Know You Needed Until Now